Infecta: Musical Saviour

Now I know what I can truly do with this amazing power that I’m able to tap into
Now I know what I can truly do with this amazing power that I’m able to tap into
What I desperately needed at that age was the world. I wanted to look outward I had a very happy childhood. I grew up in London then ran away for a bit to Bolivia, to get as far away from [where I grew up] as I could. It was great… my first little adventure in the world. I […]
If it’s all ruined, then I can do anything. You have to be taught to see, I really think that. I think that art teaches us to see. Artists teach us by insisting on something. They insist on a certain point or a certain type of detail. If artists had never insisted on perspective then […]
That’s my catch phrase, organised chaos. An interesting fact about myself? That’s a hard one… how about recovering from burnout and feeling better than ever? I’m the worst person to ask because a lot of the time I think I’m incredibly boring. Interesting…God. Burnout for me was reaching the very, very, end of my tether. […]
You didn’t really know how to react with people. Now, if I ever feel bad, I won’t ever close myself off, I’ll talk. That’s the difference I think. I come from a little island called Guernsey which not many people know about. When I tell people, I have to explain to them that it’s not some […]
Salted peanuts and are never going to be a good idea at the moment! I play the viola. I started when I was in primary school. I played violin [originally] and changed to viola when I was 14 because, apparently, I had big hands. I haven’t [played] for about a year because one of the […]
Whatever problems I had before don’t seem to bother me. I’m just on the dancefloor and that’s that When I’m on the dance floor, the mind might feel tired but the bones don’t, so I find that it’s a stress release for me. It’s a form of expression as well and the dancing replaces going to […]
That sense of elation… it’s the same when you see a really good Shakespeare production. There’s just something very special about going to The Globe, it’s one of my happy places. I haven’t seen a rubbish production there and the crowd’s great, in the groundlings. It’s very noticeable, when you watch a comedy, how […]
I think you can even manage amazing things when you are feeling wobbly. I’m loving every single second I wanted to make a positive change in the world. I wanted lots of teachers to be inspired. I didn’t really imagine the book taking on as much momentum as it did. It started off as a […]
I happen to quite like the stroppy adolescent it has been pointed out to me that maybe I’m still stuck in that phase! To me, [good mental health] means people being comfortable with who they are and with their life. It’s being able to do the things you want to do that keep you happy, being […]